At the present moment there is no good system for doing this. It’s actually incredible to me how little the U.S government has done since Emancipation to implement any sort of proactive plan to address racism. The entire nation and the world is watching. So far their response has been to just pretend it doesn’t exist.
When I examine history I see a glaring lack of any well implemented plan to address the fact that they passed literal laws that controlled citizen’s perception of reality. The US government forced a status quo that caused people to think that other humans weren’t really humans for 350 years. Then they just let everything loose and watched with popcorn. Lynching after lynching and they did nothing but watch for 100s of years.
It took them 100 years to get the people classified as white to stop lynching black people. Then another ten after that to stop them discriminating against black people with housing.
Yet, never have they ever once stood at a podium and read the UN’s statement that race is a myth or the American Anthropological Association’s statement on race. This would be a good start to dispel myth with fact and then implement a plan. A real plan, similar to how Germany did after World War II.
The U.S government even has examples from another country of how to implement a plan. Yet they continue to purposely give the illusion off to the public that America is fair for all people. While in the same breath what? Sending law enforcement to genocide the country’s African American population ?
I honestly don’t believe the majority of people in power have a conscience, if they ever did. So even if the plan was was somehow constructed it would be sabotaged.