Comparing Meghan Markle to a blonde Aryan Anglo-Saxon Princess from the royal family as if she isn’t measuring up kind of reeks of white supremacy to be honest.
The ways in which I have witnessed racism at my job on a micro level seems to have manifested itself on a macro level in this case.
At my job often the people of color who call out sick (during CoVid????) are not believed while the white staff is not hassled for calling out. White supremacy dictates that people of color are seen as less trustworthy than their white counterparts.
This is racism and white supremacy and I’m not here for it at all.
I know you think that your article that reeks of jealousy toward an attractive woman married to a prince is some “new fresh perspective.”But the amount of people I’ve seen online drag her for being attractive and married to a prince is too many to even quantify at this point.
How dare she complain about depression and racism. She’s attractive how could she complain?
Sorry, that narrative just doesn’t work for me especially since Princess Diana literally already said the exact same thing in the 90s Meghan Markle is saying now?
Once again we have a situation where a white person says something and it is believed or even taken as noble. I believe you said something about Diana’s “magical blonde princess legacy?” and 20 years later a black person says almost exactly the same thing and she is degraded and questioned?
Don’t believe Meghan, do believe Meghan. I don’t care but please do get your unconscious bias and white supremacy in check.
For the record I loved Princess Diana when I was a child but it’s most likely because of this
rather than the second picture.
I think we all need to re-examine why we view certain people as credible and noble. While we view others as complainers and trying to grab at a “higher social class” that apparently they have “no business” being in.
Maybe we have two female members of royalty who are simply saying we have a toxic institution that doesn’t consider the mental health of the people around them?
Also do you ever wonder why even though Harry is actually the one who came on and verified the conversations. As well as said his family was afraid of the press isn’t mentioned in any of these so called “noble opinion pieces on Meghan Markle.”
It’s almost as if Meghan Markle is made to stand alone defending herself as if her husband wasn’t right by her side saying the exact same thing.
Yet, somehow the 6ft tall Blue eyed Anglo Saxon man gets a pass from almost every article mentioning the Oprah interview?
Apparently his motivations are left unquestioned and clearly the evil black woman by his side is orchestrating it all.
This narrative seems too much like a bad Disney movie for my taste.
Maybe it’s time we all dealt with reality instead of living inside of Tangled or the Little Mermaid?
Meghan Markle is not a villain and Prince Harry is not her savior-victim.
They are just humans.