Ever since I got a more comprehensive understanding of the issue I’ve always questioned the fixation on humanity.
Does anyone else think it’s an absolute joke that they thought they could write and pass laws to legislate someone’s humanity? That somehow even the most barbaric group of citizens thinks they have the right to decide who is human? It’s literally the most childish idea I’ve ever heard of.
The fact that African Americans even need “special laws” all of which are mostly ignored by the court system anyways? African Americans should be insulted. They should either ask for naturalized white status rights in the U.S going forward or stop voting in all elections.
Imagine being “so equal” that people have to point to pieces of paper to prove it ? All those “laws” regarding race which is a debunked pseudo scientific theory from the 1800s. Need to be thrown out and no mention of race going forward. It’s simple, if a police man kills a human being the punishment is the same whether the person has a ton of melanin in their skin or not. It’s pretty simple but yet our “Ivy” league politicians can’t figure it out. I wonder why…