First of all if you are being abused it isn’t because you are in an interracial relationship. It’s because of misogyny. I think you think that you are fooling people by trying to appeal to our sense of empathy for women in tough situations. But make no mistake. Your response to hearing that black people are victims of white people just simply for existing in a white supremacist society was for you to instead propose that white women are the “real victims” in your experience. Yes, you are a victim of white male misogyny that has run the lives of countless white and black males in the U.S. Frankly, how dare you try to cry victim by tying it to the fact that you are in an interracial relationship rather than just a victim of misogyny. The whole framing of your false quandary is ridiculous. Do you know what a white woman does if a non white person is treating her badly? She simply has to tell one single other white person that it’s happening and her partner will probably end up strange fruit. Where as if it is a white male abusing white woman they will usually be protected by their bros or the police force since most of the white males on the police force are also beating their wives.