For those who have not read any Frances Cress Welsing the well thought out answer is: The society is anti-black. Black people have been conditioned to prefer whiteness. So going against this conditioning will cause persecution from the status quo upholders.
But I’m going to step out on a ledge and tell the truth.
It’s because not “just” black people have been conditioned to find whiteness attractive. “All”people have.
This means that when blackness asserts blackness. Whiteness will always question itself.
If you’ve read Frances Cress Welsing you will understand.
For even one black person to assert that whiteness is not attractive acts as a trigger.
The 7 different types and subtypes of albinism will never be given attention or discussed openly in any white controlled territory for a reason.
The truth is that they have brainwashed others and themselves to find the removal of the top layer of protective skin attractive.
If you look closely at this South Indian with albinism reclassified as Caucasian/ Irish in modern times. You will see how the top layer of brown skin melanin has begun to break up in patches revealing the unprotected fleshy layer underneath.
This is not a “white” person with freckles. This is a South Indian albino who still retains the genetic remnant of her black skinned ancestors on her face. The top layer of melanin still remains but it has begun to break up in patches.
Albinism affect the hair eyes and skin of an individual.
This is the truth. This is what the true status quo of even the most woke white liberal will never accept, but it is scientifically accurate.
White people assume that if they were actually suffering from albinism science would have told them so by now.
Science has told you. You just haven’t read it and the leaders of Western countries would prefer you never look it up or know it exists.
But they do know. They’ve known since the British occupied India. This is also why on the United States Census South Indians are classified as Caucasian.
The pattern of people with this lighter skin color mutation suggests that the A111T mutation occurred somewhere between the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent.