Harry actually mentioned this in his mental health Oprah series on AppleTV. He said that Diana was murdered because she was dating someone who wasn’t white. He felt like the same thing was happening to him now. He said white but it could have easily also been Anglo Saxon. Which in the royal family that’s one of the only places that it actually matters that they marry someone with at least some Anglo Saxon blood lineage. Meghan being half Irish American doesn’t cut it. I don’t know her exact makeup she may have a bit of Norman or Anglo but definitely not enough for them. They do have some Scottish as well which is acceptable but Anglo-German is preferred. This is why Diana was loosely related to Charles before she married him. The process of inbreeding loosely is still a custom among the British aristocracy and it’s for the purpose of keeping Anglo- Norman blood alive into the future. You have to imagine years of careful selective inbreeding done away with by just one family member marrying non Anglo or Norman stock. They still take blood lineage very seriously. Imagine a place where a person’s right to rule isn’t based on their actions or fitness but their blood lineage? We are in 2022 and we still believe a person can rule an entire land mass because of their blood inheritance to it. They have to adhere to this concept of blood purity because if they don’t what gives them their claim to rule? Think about it. If royals have the same blood as everyone else and their right to rule is built on blood lineage …it delegitimizes the entire family eventually not just Harry, Diana or Archie. If you tell the people you rule that it is an inherited blood-right by which you rule but you give status to your “mixed blood” offspring how do you justify it to the ruled?