I appreciate this article very much. Very rare to find honesty from people who could turn a blind eye if they wanted to and I like courage. I also like that you identified the hierarchy. A lot of other American white people don’t even fully understand. It’s Anglo white or no deal. Irish, Italians and Greeks don’t care. So they think Anglo whites don’t either. Some of them don’t of course but a lot of them really do. By that I mean Irish and Italians for the most part unless they feel really inadequate don’t run around excluding other white people who aren’t Irish or something. But Anglo Saxons are at the top of the hierarchies in both Europe and America and they aren’t messing around like the other white people. Italians and Irish only gained the status of white in the 1920s but of course some Italians are descendants of Lombards just as many Irish are also descendants of more Teutonic whites. Also the German and English settlers would have felt an affinity from back home for some of the Scottish and the Irish. The Italians came so much later and so did the Greeks. Now of course anyone with white skin is considered white no matter how curly their hair or how brown their eyes are but still the sentiment remains that Anglo white is really white. For instance the Scandinavians don’t consider Italians, Jews and Greeks to be white.