I don’t know if this a response to me but I use Neely Fuller’s definition of racism all the time online. Because people always want to try and use Oxford and I’m like….no. Oxford changes its definitions at the behest of white people whenever they get antsy.
My only issue with Neely Fuller Jr is not really an issue it’s more of an obstacle. Frances Cress Welsing , James Baldwin and Neely Fuller have solved like 80% of whiteness. There is like another missing 20% of whiteness that I feel like Neely Fuller Jr. had all the formulaic understanding of but never provided a full conclusion on. He got very focused on the scientific analytical side of whiteness. But to what end ? What’s the point? Dr. Welsing says genetic annihilation. Baldwin says inner psychological turmoil of the human condition. Neely Fuller says, an innate need to control and run experiments. But all three of these are as far as I can see the 80% that holds up the system not what the system is holding up. That other 20% is the dismantling of white supremacy.
Do you suggest any other authors that provide more insight into the 20%?