I don’t think he’s blaming the films only. But all people in the U.S but especially African Americans need to dissect how the media is brainwashing people. Some of the experiences are reflections of real issues but the issue is that white media executives have an agenda. Look at how they’ve used this agenda to make black men and women hate themselves. Candace Owens and many other black males who are self annihilating . As you mentioned black men who hate black women. This is directly caused by the media. It’s not only black men who have been brainwashed to like white women but also other ethnicities as well. Latin X and Asian men also have been brainwashed by white media and marketing executives to view white women as attractive. But they haven’t just been brainwashed to prefer the product of whiteness. They also are being taught to hate blackness. Many men African, Caucasian, Latino, Asian all repeat the exact same narratives about white women and black women. This suggests conditioning. If they all had unique perspectives on why they disliked black women and liked white women then you could argue it might be their organic preference. But because they all parrot the exact same thing this suggests a planted narrative. It’s the same way one repeats how they feel about a product. I like Nike shoes because they are just better. I can’t explain why and I don’t have a unique well thought out reason so I just say, “ I have a preference for Nike shoes.” But they are in fact just white tennis shoes. What drives my preference for them is actually marketing. Who controls my preference for Nike shoes? This is a bit of a crazy rabbit hole but the same people who control why so many white women are sold in movies and the standard of beauty in media. White marketing executives in America drive all of what Americans think are our own innate preferences. I could say more but I’ve already said enough to get me dismissed as crazy and eccentric I’m sure.