I first became aware of it through reading about authors like Jonathan Swift. I decided to teach myself a Classics Degree in my spare time because my ultimate goal is to publish a lasting trilogy. I had the essay A Modest Proposal on my list. Then I read an amazing novel by Donna Tartt, The Secret History. Tartt is a Mississippi born author who also uses exaggerated bigotry in her novel to drive home points about society and racism. I can’t find the article now but I think this was where I first heard the term mentioned in conjunction with Twain. Some loose comparisons have been drawn between Tartt and Twain. If you have not read The Secret History I highly recommend it.
Tartt is also the author of a well known novel that was turned into a feature film called The Goldfinch. I
have my fingers crossed that a studio will eventually produce The Secret History as well.
I first began to look at Twain through another lens when I was studying the British Literary tradition.
If you are interested in seeing all your favorite authors through a much more dynamic and personal lens. I suggest researching the topic called, literary alchemy. James Joyce is probably the most prolific alchemist with his book Finnegan’s Wake. But some other authors I began to notice using this technique are Twain and Dickens. A well known book though most are not aware that it employs literary alchemy is none other than The New Testament. It was written by Jewish and Roman alchemists working together to create its contents. I can’t wait until the evidence has reached the mainstream and The New Testament is finally studied for the genius of alchemical Roman literature that it is. I’m partial to the Roman mind so I hope it’s soon. Except the imperialism they can have that particular part.
My three favorite literary alchemists are:
C.S Lewis
Vladimir Nabokov
JK Rowling
I didn’t include Tolkien because I have yet to crack the entire subtext of the Lord of the Rings.