I have to be honest I had forgotten about Harry’s Nazi outfit. I wish he would address those photos now that he’s older. The reason I find it so problematic is because of the royals long history of antisemitism. I had no idea about William’s costume either however I’m just not surprised.
You know I recently watched Harry’s Oprah mental health specials. He said he gets anxiety every time he flies back into London. He said he remembers as a child visiting Africa and that it made him feel free. Which is understandable considering London held a lot of stress for him as a child I’m sure. I have to be honest. Now that I’ve had some time to think about their relationship. I do have so many questions. I don’t doubt that an American and a British person can fall in love. I do have some curiosities surrounding a British person from such a high social status marrying across class lines. I think while everyone is enraptured by the idea of them. Nobody has pointed out that sociologically they don’t make any sense.
Initially, I was like everyone else. I recognized that Meghan was very intelligent and had a history of activism similar to Harry’s mum. Which that draw makes total sense to me. She’s obviously gorgeous as well. All of those things make sense. But there are bigger things that I feel would have made someone from that type of noble birth at least pause. I do understand that all men after all are men. So I’m sure physically his attraction is undeniable. But typically when Americans and members of nobility have married in the past. The Americans are typically part of the American aristocracy already. It makes complete sense because there are different habits that are formed. The American aristocracy are close enough in habits to the British upper classes that the pairings make sense.
For instance, I think about Archie. He’s going to be raised very differently from any of his cousins. Not just because he’s not in the palace but because his mother didn’t grow up as part of the aristocracy. This will affect his habits and socialization as well as his education. He won’t get the benefits of attending any elite English schools which will essentially relegate his class positioning to a well off commoner. They could hire tutors but they won’t be royal tutors which again will separate him from his cousins. I understand they had to leave but it’s unfortunate for Archie. It really is because he has been robbed of so many life opportunities of the nobility already.
I respect Harry to an extent for being brave enough to talk about his feelings and mental health for his mum. It’s just that wearing a Nazi costume isn’t even any excuse I could come up with that makes sense. I know people grow and change. The fact remains though that I know 100s of men who’ve never even dated any black people who have never worn a Nazi costume. I have to admit there are questions that arise about Harry in general. His ability to fully understand his wife for one. I’m not against Harry though. I actually like the royal family but I don’t know how I feel about the royal family and racism yet. I can like them as a separate entity of tradition and culture. But mixing them with questions about racism and nazism I’m not so sure about .