I just don’t get why people think they have authority over other people’s lives. It’s like there’s some magic standard they’ve all invented called “living within your means according to what placates my own ego .” Like get over yourselves already seriously. Would you have a problem if they were buying expensive organic or vegan food? Maybe you would prefer they were only checking out dirt from the bottom of your shoe by the pound. Let’s be honest you have a huge ego and that’s really why someone else enjoying themselves bothers you so much. Everybody is a saint or a martyr of some kind in their own head. Yet, they don’t spend anytime thinking about why they need the society to guide them through life about what makes someone “a respectable member of society.” Yeah you’re so intelligent for figuring out that someone bought seafood in line behind you. Now if only you could think for yourself and make up your own mind about what makes a good heart rather than a “good member of society.”