I realized a few days ago that the issues that plague white people socialized in the United States has very little to do with their feelings. Most of them don’t act in a feeling or caring way when discussing murder, genocide or injustice. They seem to discuss it as an unfortunate fact of life that they don’t want to dwell on.
The problem as I am diagnosing it is this: The United States pays off white US citizens in exchange for their consciences. They pay them to uphold the US status quo as well as look the other way while corporations and politicians rob us blind.
The majority of American white people still support the US government. They grew a tiny conscience during the 2020 riots. Many of them then turned around and supported the same corrupt government once Biden won. They yelled at the top of their lungs about systemic racism. But then when the government responsible for enforcing systemic racism was almost held accountable they shriveled like dead flowers. As if the oligarchs who took months to decide to send out 1400 crumbs from their tables while women and children starved were actual victims. Research: social stratification during the French Revolution in comparison to the United States.
The bi-product of an awakened conscience is actually an awakened consciousness. It’s actually a system within the human body that works in stages. As soon as you turn on your conscience and listen to it your consciousness will ignite as well. Which is why the US government and media monetarily incentives its white citizens not to even move toward the first step of consciousness. A well functioning conscience. The best way to hold someone’s conscience in an immature developmental stage is to throw off the moral compass. If you are already steeped in blood and genocide it’s hard for the conscience to get a bearing on itself. If you also scare the bejeezus out of people with violent images it works as another very effective way to shut down the conscience. Because the human ego takes over for survival purposes. If the people think they are in a constant state of survival and fear. It causes the brain to invent and fantasize about possible harmful situations that will never happen. Kind of how everyone was playing through “what if”scenarios during the pandemic.
Also a distinction has to be made between white people socialized in the United States and Europeans. They are not the same. Recognize that online we are sending out our perspectives to a global audience. Europeans probably don’t appreciate being lumped in with other Americans who just happen to have white skin like they do. Different cultures, different socialization experiences they are not really the same. Many thoroughly socialized Americans who have white skin like to think of themselves as Europeans but they retain none of European culture besides maybe one culinary recipe passed down ? Some of them even think that having a paper explaining their great great somethings coat of arms makes them European. Even though if you asked any of them to explain parliament or even anything about current Scandinavian or German culture they would look at you with deer in the headlights. It’s happened to me many times. Please don’t lump in Europeans with American white people unless they deserve it.