I was bullied as a kid but by the time I was eleven I figured out that I had to become a bully. I was a bully from 11–13. Then by fourteen it seemed like everyone calmed down and I stopped.
I basically just observed who was the most powerful in any school setting and mimicked them. It wasn’t ever the adults lol. I think that’s why some kids try to go the teacher’s pet route. I think I remember when I was bullied as a kid a lot of it was because I was trying to listen to the adults and get other kids to listen them too. Once I realized adults don’t really have the backs of non white kids who get bullied. I realized I had to switch strategies. I bullied to protect myself. The truth is that if other kids learn they can’t mess with you or don’t want to it actually leaves you free to live your own life.
I was mean to maybe 3 or 4 kids but I always mostly joined in when someone else started it kind of thing. That left me free to be a nerd in my spare time. I was a 007 nerd. My friend and I loved reading Harry Potter and we made up a dream journal and collected Pokémon cards. The moment the more popular people said , “You guys made a dream journal?”With the sarcastic face that showed they were about to start bullying. My nerdy friend and I united and bullied them first before they got a chance to say anything. We decided we were cool and that was that.