I would imagine it is hard for black males to protect black females when death is so often on the table for them. You can’t protect much when you can’t protect yourself from dying over a broken tail light.
What works for white men will never work for black men in this society.
Black men are frightened of white men. Nobody wants to go there but I will. Because white supremacy has built up this image of black people as subhuman and animalistic the society will never consider that option. It is primarily black men who see “their own” murders on a loop everyday on the internet.
I’m sorry but I cannot claim to know what that is like. All of us talk about it. We talk about BLM and anti racism but the fact remains we don’t see a police officer on our neck choking the life from our body.
Do I know that a lot of black American males have Stockholm syndrome ( internalized racism). Yes, it’s becoming a widespread problem online at least. But do I have any idea how the lived experience of a black male affects him at work? Judging by your article I’m starting to get an idea. It sounds like he acts compliant just like he would do when he is pulled over to avoid his own murder.
I am in no way shocked by the actions of black men. They are target number 1 for annihilation and genocide….Just maybe this might make a person behave differently than one might expect them to.