I’m also a transracial adoptee. I’m biracial and I was adopted by a white single mother as well. They gave me a lot of love but most of the white institutions they placed me in traumatized me with a capital T. I have so many traumatic memories from being in majority white churches and schools. What’s shocking to me is how the adults behaved. You expect little white kids to be immature and call you the N word but it was the way white adults use to bully and respond to me that is the scariest realization. If they were treating me like that and I had white parents with the money and power to influence the situation what the hell are those adults doing to black children with low income parents. Don’t get me wrong I don’t think white people’s skin color has anything to do with how crazy and delusional they are it’s literally all socialization. The way America socializes white people to act is atrocious and crazy. If I was a conscious white person in the US I’d sue your own government for what they’ve done to you. The advantages that white people gain from continuing the oppression could never outweigh the disadvantages done to their immortal souls. They are essentially paying off white people to act without a conscience and it’s diabolical and scary. Never mind what they’ve done to people of color at least we get to keep our sense of self mostly. I sleep through the night every night most white people I know suffer from insomnia or some other disruptive sleep disorder. I’m not trying to divide anyone by race the US census does that for us by making us check imaginary boxes that actually stand for ethnicity rather than race because race is not supported by science. I’m thinking of moving to Europe because I really like Europeans and a lot of my closest friends were from Europe. But I’ve had to come to the realization that American white people are nothing like Europeans. They have been socialized in a crazy society and thus this is the result we get.