I’m aware of the term but I don’t think someone’s sexuality dictates how dedicated they are to compassion and empathy. I’ve known a handful of white gay men who are very vocal about racism. In fact my racial awakening was facilitated by a white gay man. Before I spent time talking with him I was Candace Owen’s level sunken. It was him constantly questioning my perspectives as a transracial adoptee. I was adopted by white conservative Republicans. Initially when Black Lives Matter was getting its start I was not fully aware why. That’s how isolated and brainwashed I was. From daily conversations with this particular white gay male I began to have my perspectives questioned. He did it bluntly but also as cautiously as he could. Even mentioning that being a transracial adoptee may have blinded me to injustice because many transracial adoptees are alienated from their own culture. He was very knowledgeable and routinely said “White people are terrible.” I had never heard a white person talk like him and through his dogged questioning of white supremacists beliefs as well as his ability to state the obvious about how many white people in the United States act. I finally felt safe enough to actually question my own upbringing and racial trauma. Which has led to me where I am now.