I’m biracial and I’m so annoyed by us too. You are right not to trust the majority of us. Any biracial person that comes with that white narrative, “Oh the black savages bullied my innocent whiteness.” Is not an ally or friend. I digested this narrative in high-school. I’ve noticed a lot of biracial people who cry “reverse colorism.” Are pretty young but when I see grown adults doing this I get second hand embarrassment. To know the formation of their identity stopped in high school is a little embarrassing.
I know some of my ancestors were black but I was also adopted and raised by white Evangelicals in the South. I realized that me trying to claim blackness was missing the point and a little corny. I was not socialized around black people. As an adult I appear ambiguous enough to be mistaken for Latin X. All in all my level of ambiguity and my socialization would make claiming blackness some level of disingenuous.
I can only really deal with other biracial people’s stupidity. The first thing that has to go is that white narrative that black people bullied them. It’s like they have zero self awareness that all the racial dynamics in the US were set up by white people for the purpose of black self annihilation. They rarely focus on this as “bullying.” It’s embarrassing .
I’m sorry so many biracial people including myself have internalized white methods of oppression. I’m sorry you have to deal with our crazy messy selves all over the internet with our complex of whiteness on top of everything else. I hope more black people will lose the protective decency toward us and just say what they really think about us.