I’m not sure how welcome my perspective on this topic is. Mainly because it seems to be a very unpopular one. Anytime I post this online I get very little feedback from anyone. I’m left to wonder if I’m out of touch or too in touch to where people get mad and stop reading. I’m guessing it’s the out of touch thing because that is my main personality trait.
For some perspective I didn’t grow up in the black community. I was adopted by white conservatives and went to private schools etc. Vacationed in alpine mountain property black population 1: me.
So I didn’t have any of this background knowledge about black men or black women. I grew up thinking that black people liked each other. I am fully aware I’m black too. But younger me was primarily observing other black people not living with them.
In the early 2000s it seemed that my assumption about black people mostly liking each other still appeared to be true. But then media got bigger and phones got smaller. There seemed to be a million messages a minute being pumped to all of us from all angles.
From my perspective “some”not all black men as well as some black women started to become increasingly exposed to what white people really thought of them online.
I myself around age fifteen found a board called the Aryan Resistance and Stormfront. It was as simple as googling something I had watched on a history channel documentary about WWII. The program mentioned Aryans and I googled it and at the time the internet was less censored. For me the documentaries about Hitler were the first time I had ever been exposed in depth to that ideology.
I mean there was a time if you put in the word Aryan into Google images the first row of pictures that would pop up would be photos of blonde haired blue eyed people linking you to neo Nazi sites.
Google obviously has made some changes. But unfortunately millions upon millions of young impressionable teenagers such as myself were exposed to these websites.
Now, I’m sure someone will come on here and say something like “how do you know what white people think of black people.”
Wouldn’t you like to know.
Anyway, trying to keep my ADD under control here.
What I was exposed to on those websites traumatized me instantly. Seeing post after post of white people calling me a monkey and referring to me as a mud person. It was a lot to expose a fifteen year old to.
The most interesting thing about humans is that we tend to turn off our brains and reasoning skills when confronted with trauma. We have this tendency to sort of stare blankly and absorb blindly rather than remove the object of our trauma.
I personally had never heard any white people I knew talk like this up to this point but I had seen plenty of rebel flags as well as teenage boys I knew laughing and doing the Hitler salute. So I was fully aware many white men in particular found this behavior funny.
If I was on the internet viewing this stuff I can only assume other black teen boys and black teen girls were as well.
It’s not rocket science what happened. Black men read messages online from other white supremacist males about how black women aren’t feminine. They read neo Nazis calling black women the ugliest Nword monkeys. They read little comments here and there from white men saying they prefer white women because they have less attitudes and long flowing hair.
Now if the first time I ever heard all this rhetoric …it came out of a black person then I would be left to wonder. But since most of the things black men say now about other black women I read on the The White Aryan Resistance first at least 15 years ago all it says to me is that ….it’s working. They are resisting and they are doing so through psychological warfare. As they laid out all their plans years ago online.
The most interesting thing to me was what I read on White Aryan Resistance, Stormfront and Vanguard all those years ago became totally mainstream when Obama became president. It wasn’t just a board of really p — -d off white men anymore. It was like everyday middle class white women with children saying these things now. “It’s okay to be white.” “Be proud to be white.”
It’s literally what these little Nazi twins use to say, “We just love our race and our heritage.”
Their mother was financially supporting a Neo Nazi who was in jail for murder.
From my perspective black men and some black women have completely bought into white supremacy as well.
I get it white people look really nice and cute. That’s just facts can we all agree on this?
But so do black people and so do Asian people and so does every other group of people.
White supremacy has a problem with everything that comes after but….
A black man who views himself through the eyes of white people will never feel happy or beautiful.
Likewise a black women who views herself through the eyes of white people will never feel happy or beautiful.
Have you been paying attention ? Many of them think we look like animals. The other large percentage of them think we are so ugly they try to skate around it by saying, “I just prefer my own race.”
I know what I say is harsh but can you honestly say you don’t know this info already??? How many videos have leaked of little white girls saying the Nword already?
Do you understand what the Nword means? It means “you’re ugly and inferior.”
You want to know what I see is going on is black men. I see traumatized and hurt men who think if I can’t beat ‘em join em.
How do you think that black boy felt the first time her heard someone online say his mother looked like a monkey? Did it hurt? Did he cry in silence? But our society thinks that black men have no feelings and are “super predators” how does that make them feel?
When I was a little girl I would mimic and act out the tones and inflections of my trauma trying to understand. Whether it was molestation or racial bullying I would climb up into the tree in my grandpas backyard. I would play through scenarios out loud and point my fingers at the air. “You can’t come because you’re black!”
Most of you didn’t remember that you use to do this until right now.
You mimic your trauma over and over trying to understand it. This is what black men who say things about black women online do. They are mimicking the trauma of white supremacy or mirroring it back to people.
This is what white supremacy has done. Although more recently I feel like a drowning victim out at sea who knows exactly how to swim to shore but no one will follow me back to land.
Think about it……..How could you ever look at yourself through the eyes of most white people and see an accurate picture of your own worth and beauty????
Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest