I’m not sure if all of these are substantiated claims. It’s important to mention Picasso suffered from war related PTSD which is partially why his art speaks to us. So even though he suffered from a mental illness sometimes the bad does come with the good.
I’m just trying to figure out what motivation a child would have for slandering their parents in a tell all book. My parents weren’t perfect and most definitely not my stepfathers but it has never occurred to me to write a book about them. I just assume move on. I’m sure Jobs had flaws but this entire article feels like a witch-hunt. It’s the fact that very little counter explanations are offered. No questioning of the sources where the information came from.
I really have nothing to say about Mother Teresa and Gandhi though. Other than who cares. I never understood people’s fascination with them in the first place.
Oh and Churchill off course is just a British toff I wouldn’t expect anything else.