Is it? I’m starting to wonder. It seems like this straightforward approach has been used for the last 70 years with little to no effect on the spread of white supremacy itself. I’ve noticed that often viewing a problem from different angles with different solutions can sometimes yield better results.
That being said Idris Elba’s angle isn’t exactly different either. Avoidance and wanting to just pretend it doesn’t exist is a pretty common strategy that has been used for the past 70 years as well.
I’m not discounting what you said just asking questions. For the last four or five years I too thought that addressing systemic causes head on was the right route. But I’m really starting to wonder. When I look around I see more race based shootings, not less. I see more white supremacy on the internet, not less. With the amount of opposition that non white people have been putting up toward white supremacy recently. Why isn’t it moving? Why isn’t it decreasing? Why is it growing stronger?
Yes, it’s true more and more people with light skin seem to be putting on the ally suit. But they always take it off when they get home with the rest of their white family members and friends. Even some white people go as far as marrying and having children with non white people. Which now we are seeing almost always ends up working in favor of white supremacy anyway.
I think it might be time to consider a highly organized group of individuals. Maybe Bubba in Arkansas doesn’t know what’s really going on but they all seem to be on code with each other. Trust me, I don’t want to think this because I was raised by a white family and most of my friends are white. When I’m in a room full of white people I usually don’t even notice because it’s all I’ve ever known. It wasn’t until I went online and heard people saying they noticed or felt different and out of place. That’s where I came from that’s how steeped in white supremacy and whiteness I was. So I feel like if I can be at a point where I’m starting to get suspicious of almost everyone around me. I can’t imagine what others are feeling and not saying.
But something just isn’t right here.