Is nobody going to just come out and say it? In almost every sector of American society if you do not force the class that identifies as white to treat people of color fairly the data shows that they won’t. That is the point of many of these laws. You don’t need a Civil Rights Act if one group is not already being deprived of them? You don’t need a Fair Housing Act if one group is giving everyone a fair chance at housing?
The truth is that whiteness depends on an unequal playing field to function. Whiteness must always hold all the resources, distribution and legislative power. This is literally what supremacy is.
Oh I inherited “old money”, but since the U.S isn’t as old as Britain it’s just a nice way of saying “plantation money.” Oh I now have all the resources to control corporations and government ? Well my goodness I do declare if those blacks would pick faster ooops I mean work harder they could get to where white people are …