It is a lack of human decency. And it wouldn’t matter whether I was personally right or wrong. We all collectively know that mistreating other human beings is wrong. I didn’t read the list as individual numbers. I read it as “treat us like human beings” Sometimes people focus on the minute details while forgetting you can also stand back from it and view it as a whole.
A lot of the people who have to have this topic of human decency broken down for them in a listed format clearly have bigger issues.
To clarify I’m saying that the fact that the list exists is a courtesy it’s not a point of contention to be dissected and rebutted. It’s just a favor that some Black Americans have been nice enough to spell out for people about how to behave decently toward other human beings.
It’s weird they need a list in the first place but hey Diana and Charles were cousins and mustache man committed genocide against millions of people because he liked how blonde hair looked? We’ve never been fully dealing with people running on all four cylinders.