It’s a bigger mess than people are willing to address nationally. I don’t know how Italians are over in Italy but I know Italian Americans have a racism problem here in the U.S. But this is due to the Anglo hierarchy class system. Italians that are descended from say Lombards look more Anglo. But people within the Anglo-system who do not check off enough boxes of whiteness have to prove it.
I think what we have to consider is that not only is whiteness opposed to blackness but any and all possible expressions of it. So white people that have curly hair are seen as less white. If whiteness is the rejection of blackness. Then you would expect the same self hatred of one’s phenotype, hair texture and melanin to show up in all those individuals considered to be “barely white enough.”
Now, if you take for instance an Irish or Scottish person. They are mostly “white enough” but they weren’t always. The Anglo Saxons use to mock their kilts and features similar to how many Irish and Scottish Americans harass African Americans for not fitting into the caste system in present day.
This is all a caste system issue based on featurism. Anglo-enough whites don’t have anything to prove. They already move up to the top of the caste system just based on their features. It’s all very ridiculous and immoral but America and the West has been doing it for hundreds of years and we all just play along with it.
This is all people within the caste system recognizing that some people deserve to be elevated for being a perfect specimen of the caste system. People instinctively know that a blonde haired blue eyed child belongs at the top of the caste system. You will see teachers, random business owners, friends family all randomly favor or give preferential treatment to a blonde haired blue eyed child. It’s not a coincidence that this happens. This is the caste system of the Western World. It was implemented by Anglo Saxons so naturally people that look like Prince William and Diana are at the top.
If you look at Italians many of them appear to have too many features not closely enough associated with whiteness. Italians sometimes have curly hair, too much melanin and brown eyes. This causes them to need to uphold and prove whiteness more than say a Swede.
So it is not that Italians are more racist. It is that they are more aware that if they don’t staunchly defend the Anglo caste system they could easily suffer the same smear campaigns that black and brown people are subjected to. They also were subjected to smear campaigns in the past by Anglo whiteness.
People have to get serious about understanding how this caste system works. Once you understand it you will be able to predict some behaviors. It’s the same reason I’m not surprised when I see Latin X Americans who have brown and brown eyes trying to harass African Americans with some vague concept of American whiteness that they are learning to emulate. I saw a video the other day of a Asian American calling a black person the N-word. Essentially anyone who is not born with enough physical characteristics of whiteness has to prove whiteness in other ways.