You guys just all stumble around history that you can't verify and are actually wrong about and say things like "see everyone is racist not just us." When in fact it really is just you. This is the shifting of blame and responsibilty we all talk about. It also amazes me how little you guys understand the concept of racism. Ethnocentricism is not the same as racism since ethnicity is not race. Racism requires physical attributes to be taken into account as to identify them in a hierarchy. Cultural elements such as the dress and ethnoreligious customs of people all with the same skin color is not racism. That is xenophobia, fear of other cultures.
Or did you miss the memo where racism involved skin color? So let's just clear some things up. The Romans had no concept of race. White people seem to purposefully forget that the barbarians and Romans were all white people many with the same exact Tuetonic features. Asians are white people. Let me repeat that again Asians are CAUC-ASIANS. It's literally in your name and you guys still don't realize you hail from the subcontinent of India. You are colorless Southern Indians with no melanin. The features of which are still being reproduced on the continent of India in 2020 see "Pooja Ganatra"
in fact the South Indian population has the highest prevalence of whiteness also known as albinism.
Which by the way Europeans inventing race and racism isn't even debtable at this current juncture. It is the earliest known record of the concept of race being used in a hierarchical structure which is literally racism. You guys used it on the Jewish people first.
Here's the biologist from Penn U tracing Irish skin to India.
Just click on the links of the words idk why it's doing that.