It’s the U.S government’s fault. The people in our society behave under the threat of economic and physical violence on a minute by minute basis. They have tried to make us afraid of our neighbors. Afraid of people who look different than us. They have a 800 billion defense budget. As many have said before, they also have a monopoly on violence. For whatever reason the people that have the power in the US also happen to submit to an existing status quo rather than try to change anything. The status quo of the U.S government was formed by slaughtering the entire population of the U.S that was already living here and replacing it with English and Scottish settlers. Then they made laws and set up a government so that they could hold onto everything they stole and no one could challenge them. They also make us pay taxes to them because they supposedly own everything. The taxes are consent. They are a way of making the U.S citizen consent to whatever the government does. Also why are black Americans still paying taxes when they don’t receive the benefit of the services? They do not have equal protection under the law and they are not receiving the same benefits.