It’s too bad we don’t just remove them from power. I think there are 330 million people in the United States? That was just the last time I checked. Oh wait I think someone tried that recently but the media painted it as a particular group of people. So we all turned off our brains and decided to not identify with other humans who had the same goals we did. I voted for Biden by the way but somehow I get this weird feeling neither party has done anything for anyone outside their oligarchy. Could human sovereignty be on the horizon? Where we don’t have to identify ourselves with a set of beliefs to choose from but we make our own? Now be a good slave and choose from pro life or pro choice. Be a good lemming and choose immigration or anti immigration. You’ve only got two choices that’s it. You can’t exist in the middle. You can’t even just live your life and treat everyone with dignity and respect. You’ve got to choose ! Hurry identify with a set of beliefs! Are you a Democrat or a Republican! Choose hurry no time to waste because time is money!