I’ve always added this observation about beauty standards to any conversation referencing it.
A few years ago it occurred to me that you don’t have to set a beauty standard if you think your beauty can exist on its own merits.
It’s equivalent to sitting down to play a board game with friends and being the person to set the rules for that game. The idea of course should be that if your are making up the rules it should be fair toward everyone. Giving everyone who sits down to play the game a decent chance at winning. But we have mountains of evidence that white people have …well behaved like one would expect a human to behave.
Not only did white people insist on being the ones to make the rules( the beauty standard) they also appear to have zero pretenses about advantaging themselves with trillions of dollars poured into marketing and advertising per year. Marketing is just a diplomatic way of saying conditioning the population.
For instance I have a preference for Nike tennis shoes. But they are after all just white sneakers with a logo on them. Do I think that my “preference” for Nike sneakers is biological? No I rather think it may be because I have seen that check mark a million times marketed to me as a desirable shoe brand. Am I comparing human beauty to sneakers? No, I’m comparing the processes by which human beings appear to gain their preferences for certain ideas.
What the mainstream white supremacist narrative pushes is that attraction is biological. But what they will never focus on is that your brain sends signals to the rest of your body. How does the brain process information? Through your eyes. And what has the white supremacist structure been putting in all our eyes for the past hundred years? It has been flooding, nearly overwhelming the human brain with images of white beauty. White value systems. Such as white main characters as desirable heroins and non white people as side characters. White people don’t have to just create the laws by which we live by. They don’t have to only give loans to people that look like them. They did all the groundwork for this 50+ years ago with Marilyn Monroe and Playboy featuring dyed blonde women. Since neither Marilyn Monroe or Pam Anderson naturally have blonde hair. Now 50 years later the majority of the male population thinks ….hey I just prefer Nike over other types of shoes….It’s just my preference and there are biological studies now to back this up. There are no test subjects for studying this invented biological preference for white beauty that exist before marketing and the invention of the camera. So unless those “biological” studies have controlled for factors such as marketing and advertising. All those studies about people’s “biological preferences” for a certain type of beauty are really just measuring the human brain’s response to particular marketed images over their lifetime. Since we all start consuming marketing when we are toddlers. It may be very nefarious what they are doing. Because there is no way I have figured this out and they don’t know this info already. So it seems likely to me that they are in fact measuring how well their marketing methods are working on the population. They then distribute it using language that implies these preferences are innate rather than planted.
This is why I try to tell as many people as I can. Because men are probably not going to be able to undo this programming and conditioning for white skin and blonde hair on their own. They have conditioned pornography( sexually conditioned responses) to compete with.
But if enough women of color know this info we can at least be secure in the fact that. We are in fact such a threat to them beauty wise that they have to flood the human brain with millions of images of white beauty every second of every day to combat this. They not only have to set the rules( beauty standard) but they literally are not even letting anyone else play the game at all. That’s how badly they think they will lose out on the game of beauty and desirableness if they leave it up to chance. I will admit even though my mind is partially free and I am able to see white skin for what it truly is. I still even struggle to see other people of color and myself in our true light. But at least I know how the machine works. This is the knowledge I want everyone to know. I am not saying that some white people aren’t probably attractive to some people. But not on the scale they have bought with marketing budgets. The truth is we will never know if white beauty could have stood on its own merits because there has never been any observable conditions for which they did not control the beauty standard. Pointing to a few references from a few authors in antiquity that loosely mention fair skin does nothing to address the trillions of dollars spent on it now.
I have uncovered one technique they use. It’s color psychology. Whatever product you are trying to sell related to conditioning human desirability you use the color red. If you place the object against a red backdrop it creates desire. There are rarely any people of color with this specific red background. There may be people of color on places like the red carpet occasionally but this image will rarely be distributed to the public in high circulation. But in general it’s mainly white women they place on the red background usually blonde. This drives the desire conditioned response in the male and sometimes female brain. From what I can see this was developed by the Nazis in WWII and then Americans developed it further. So they decided to merge the product of blonde desirability on a red background while also selling a red product Coca Cola. It then evolved into playboy and also the red carpet. Because anyone who knows the origin of the carpet knows it was originally purple from the Greek tragedy but it was changed to red most likely once they figured out the color psychology element.