I’ve experienced the jealousy white women have toward me my entire life. It started when I was six years old and the white woman in question was twenty-three. She was my first grade teacher and used similar tactics on me to the ones you just described. They always try to willfully shove you into a stereotype while excluding you from opportunities that would just add more jealousy on top of what they already can’t stand about you. I can think of 7 white women over the course of my adolescence that acted out violently toward me in my Southern Baptist private school setting. They range in ages from six to eighty years old. It was always the same broken record. “You think you’re so special.” At the time I had no idea it was jealousy and just ignored most of it. This makes them even angrier. Trust me the more you shine the more vicious they become. Just remember you are the light and light is eternal.
This was what my whole childhood was like facing off against adult racist white people.
I remember seeing this movie for the first time when I was eight years old and I made Sara my life coach.