I’ve lived in South Florida my entire life. I’m considered “biracial” heavy air quotes. I did experience very 1960s type racism in the late 90s and early 2000s here. But if I had to look at the percentage fairly it’s something like 8% of my overall lived experience has been overt racism. Probably 15- 20% has been affected by covert racism. I have a very small group of friends that I only associate with. I work from home so I don’t go out much in public and that’s very much how I like it. If I was being honest that 8% was very traumatic and definitely changed my confidence level and ability to trust others.
I will say though what the headlines don’t capture well is the GenZ population living in Florida. I have to be honest all the people I’ve run into under like 25 are literally the least judgmental and least racist people. I use to work on Palm Beach Island which is where the billionaires live. Their kids were nothing like them.
Like I can’t count the amount of teenagers and college kids who were the sons and daughters of white millionaires who literally could give AF about people’s skin color. Their parents and grandparents though were super patronizing and microagressy. That is when I realized GenZ is something special. Because it’s not like working class white GenZ finding solidarity with other marginalized classes is that shocking. What shocked me is seeing theses wealthy white kids who have everything to gain by continuing the status quo of racism and the class divide just literally shrug off the racism part. They still pick up some of the habits of how to move authoritatively in a room and so on but the racism part they just threw out like an overused Chanel bag. To them it’s old, ugly and useless.
I think we can be sure that Ron Desantis is out of touch if he thinks kids get their education from schools anymore. He would be better off banning CRT on tiktok. Anyway I’m glad he is that out of touch because it means regardless of what measures he puts in place in the schools. The internet just outpaced him.