Let's be frank. White people who are insecure about their class position status are more likely to exhibit antagonistic class based behaviors.
What is the dynamic that has been created here?
Once again white people are being led to believe that the action or inaction of black people is responsible for their economic discomfort.
Rather than a system that pays them $2 per hour?
Another facet of classism is at play here that no one seems to want to voice.
Has it ever occurred to anyone that white people feel uncomfortable with the very idea of lowering themselves in their mind to serve black people?
I would wager that the eye rolls and avoidance is more about white people feeling discomfort at the thought of looking people of color in the eye and asking them what they want.
Think about it until Justin left his parent's house and started serving. He was never confronted with looking a black person in the eye and having to consider a black person's happiness or comfort level.
It is highly likely that most white people are uncomfortable with the whole interaction period.
Think about it. Upperclass white people who are not insecure about their class positioning relative to other whites and blacks rarely find themselves serving anyone.
Even a white person who came from a lower class positioning but then managed to make it to a higher status in their lifetime still exhibits these behaviors.
It usually comes out as being hostile or rude toward black service people or service people of color.
I was raised by a generationally comfortable white Republicans in the South. They don't exhibit any of these class based behaviors toward people of color. They never use race as a scapegoat for anything because they don't have to. They don't have to worry about what people of color do or don't do. It does not affect their income or livelihood in any way.
This is really what's at play across restaurants all across America. It is a classism brawl out in the open.