Never going to happen. It is not white women who control this narrative it is white men. White men know that if they brainwash most men to want to procreate with a white woman the white features continue. It’s a simple strategy. There’s no real reason to try and brainwash people to procreate with white men because white men can’t get pregnant. Also it’s not as easy to brainwash women through sexual attraction as it is men. Most men just go after whatever they see in porn. So the porn industry actually controls most Western males but …the porn industry is all run by white males. I’ve been saying this for years if we really want to go after racism in beauty oppression.I don’t call it beauty standards ? They were killing people for having too much melanin? And brainwashing us to like melanin deficiencies? That’s not a standard that’s some creepy domineering shit.
Anyway the porn industry controls the beauty standards as well as the general media. All mostly run by white males.