No, I’m sorry that is not racism. Racism is to subscribe to the theory of race and furthermore theories of race.
Let me repeat.
Racism is the belief in race.
If you believe in a god you are a theist.
If you don’t you are an atheist.
A theist typically believes in one of many varying theories of god known as sects of theism.
A racist is no different. A racist believes in the theory of race and often subscribes to one of those theories.
At present the proposed theories of race are European constructions in that Europeans classified people into races. Africans, Asians and Caucasians technically didn’t classify themselves into different races. In essence the very titles of African and Asian were invented by Europeans for the purpose of classifying them into races. This is the invention of race theory and the theory that evolved out of these classifications was white superiority theory. As time has gone on other theories were espoused by other ethnicities. Some Africans responded to the original theory by claiming black superiority and Asians also proposed a similar counter theory. These are all theories of race. Asian, African and Caucasian are all theories of racial species.
I don’t subscribe to nor do I act on a belief of any of these various theories therefore, I’m not a racist.
Based on the anthropological consensus that species of human beings cannot be broken down into different species by hair, eye color or skin color.
It sounds incredibly silly to refer to people as different races. Because it’s kind of like proposing we aren’t all humans. I would feel slightly less mortified by someone saying species because that is the actual theory of proposal not that we are all different races. Are we all born from a human woman? Do we all mate and produce offspring in the same way? We are not aliens to each other ? So race is a very weird term for us to use even if we do believe we are vastly different from each other. Species would make more sense but that was debunked in the 1950s.
I stopped being a racist when I was given education about my formerly held belief in the superstition of race. Similar to how I’m no longer a Christian because I replaced my superstitions and mythology with education.
Racism isn’t actually a character flaw in many cases it is a lack of education. Which would be helpful to the masses of people who realized they aren’t necessarily morally flawed they are missing information.