Okay, but why do you identify them as microaggressions? Those are incidences of blatant racism. Sometimes you have to be a Karen to beat a Karen. You do not deserve to be treated like that ever. Next time let your white husband go off. I had an experience with some self hating Arabs at a liquor store once during quarantine. It was probably the 5th or 6 day of the shutdown. I was picking up liquor for the house for the night. This was back when everyone thought Armeggeddon was upon us. Anyway, the ending bill came out to about $150. My white male friend had given me his credit card to pay for everything. I put everything on the counter to pay and handed the cashier the credit card. He immediately said, "This is a guy's name." I told him yes they are paying for the liquor. Now I just want everyone to keep in mind that sometimes married couples probably use each other's credit cards on occassion. He refused to let me use the card and he said "In case there's a problem later I can't take the risk." Now at first I kind of understood. Until I found out the information later which I will share in a moment. So I called my white friend and told him they aren't letting me pay. He said he had cash back at home to give me which was maybe 3 minutes away and I told him I'll pay cash now then. It was during the shutdown everyone I knew had pulled out $300-500 in cash just in case. So unlike any other time in my life I had $ 300 cash on me.
What irked me was how annoyed the manager of that liquor store was when I pulled out the money to pay. It was all in $20s so what 8 20s for him to count? What's the problem? He told me I couldn't use the card so I obliged and paid cash. I told my white male brother what happened. He then told me how many times he had sent other white people in with his credit card to pick up liquor and never had any problems whatsoever. So he got on the phone and went off!! It was a local liquor store so I can't even imagine how often they had given their credit card to people hanging out at their house to party. I also realized they never would have sent me in with the credit card if they hadn't done it plenty of times before and never had any problems. My brother basically called them out for being racist on the phone and all the sudden they were profusely apologizing because there was a white male voice on the phone. Contrast that with my own experience of them acting hostile and aggressive toward me. The thing about racism is that often unless there is a white person around to tell you they are receiving different treament often you would have no idea. I assumed it was a policy only to find out it wasn't a policy that white people had to follow. If a white man is willing to use his power an influence to go to bat for you, let him. Trust me because that person's behavior will forever be impacted. Because now whenever that white or self hating POC person wants to be racist to you because they assume you have no way to fight back. They now will hesitate before they assume anything like that again.