People referencing CRT when this story is completely unrelated. I suppose this will be a constant uphill battle from now on because of the propaganda that has been distributed about CRT already.
I try not to be so critical of ignorance assuming it is not willful and instead replace it with knowledge.
The story of Harriet Tubman is known in most circles as U.S history.
CRT is a law school course.
Harriet Tubman =history
Critical Race Theory =law
CRT is a way of analyzing data related to ….wait for it …..the laws of the United States.
An example of CRT:
Two theoretical analysis:
Idealist approach vs the materialist economic determinist approach.
The idealist approach takes an educational stance. It puts forth that with the right process of reeducation such as narrative control related to images, social discourse and mental categorization. Much of the invented machine of race can be unmade.
The materialist approach puts forth that race is the way in which society assigns economic status.
The critical race economic determinist theory espouses that most civil advancements for black people in the US, have aligned with the economic conditions and self interest of elite whites. Evolving standards of empathy, moral fortitude and a conscience have amounted to little if anything following the passing of these civil laws.
An example of the materialist economic determinist theory applied.
Case: Brown vs Board of Education
The NAACP had been fighting for years litigating school desegregation often losing or accomplishing marginal victories.
In 1954, the interest of elite white foreign relations and the social conditions occupied primarily by black people finally converged.
Cold War economic interests in a fight against Communism called for a change of image. In competing for loyalties of uncommitted nations most of whom were black, brown and Asian. The United States global image was poorly served by the world press continuing to carry stories of lynchings and the social disenfranchisement of black people.
When the Justice Department finally ruled in favor of desegregation it was a response to the United States outlined plan to improve its image in Third World countries.
This is just one example of examining laws using one theory found within CRT.
Are you starting to get an inkling of what it means to think critically about laws designed to legislate race?
Your daughter is right the only way for a person to regain their morality would be to reject the concept of whiteness. It is in fact a social construction invented by the currently white elite power structure to separate themselves from other human beings. Hopefully your daughter will resist every attempt to label her as white and then just maybe racism ( categorizing people into different invented races) will actually end.
To identify with whiteness is to remain racist in every conceivable way.
Now, it would be time to critically examine why you would be afraid that your daughter does not want to identify herself by her melanin production levels? Perhaps you meant you want your daughter to remember that she comes from a “white social class”? There should be zero hesitancy to want your child to remove artificial constructions of racial hierarchies.If it frightens you not to be identified as white critically examine why. Apply both theories to your own legislated racial identity and start thinking critically.
It’s not your fault that you are targeted by propaganda and are ignorant of CRT. It’s only your fault if your remain willfully brainwashed and ignorant. I knew nothing of CRT 4 months ago but I get annoyed when people throw around terms I don’t understand. So I downloaded a few books to my kindle and taught myself.