Perhaps if you don’t fit in or you don’t like it there maybe you could just leave ?
Also tribalism is just a European invented excuse to engage in racism. It holds no validity as it pertains to the discussion of race. Since tribal markers in history were recognized as ethno religious ties. The Romans had no concept of race since the barbarians and the Romans had the same skin color. Race was first officially codified into law in the 15th century Spain by Europeans. Race as an enforceable hierarchical structure built on melanin has only been with us for a short time. It was invented in the 15th century by Europeans . Race is a myth and was debunked in 1950 by the United Nations and again in 1998 by The American Anthropological Association where they declared all human beings as a single species. The only people who refuse to let go of the myth of race are white people in power who force people of color to use made up racial classifications that don’t exist in biology or anthropology. The US Census Department is responsible for dividing people by race. The director is a white male. It’s a white problem. People of color are fully aware that Europeans invented race to advantage themselves. All your lying, denial and most likely angry bullying response to this will not change what I know from extensive study of the issue. Enjoy California, I hope their humanity and actual morality rubs off you.