So in our current society we have the option of addressing symptoms of an issue or the actual issue causing those symptoms. I’ve never been much for taking prescriptions so I take supplements instead. To try and prevent the initial conditions that lead to those unpleasant symptoms.
Instead of victimizing yourself online by telling people you caught a symptom from the systemic illness and implementation of racism in the U.S
Perhaps it would be more productive to actually do something to address the racial caste system in the U.. The system that is responsible for the symptoms you just experienced.
Maybe it’s time to educate yourself about the racial caste system in the U.S? So that when you run into these everyday symptoms of the caste system you are more prepared and maybe even understand what is happening?
Because right now it seems like you were not intellectually or emotionally prepared to interact with the consequences of living in a racialized caste system created by Europeans and currently maintained by the white class.
Perhaps studying how Europeans implemented the racialized caste system would benefit you in overcoming your everyday confusion surrounding the racialized caste system you live in.
Isabel Wilkerson
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents