The issue with most of these articles is that the current definitions of racism are just wrong. Most people are coming into the discussion of racism having only studied what has been suggested to them by others. Who also have only come into the discussion based on what is within the vein of current U.S framed national discourse.
Racism is the belief in the pseudoscientific myth of race and racial theories, period. One only has to look into the historical context as well as the records and laws to see this truth.
White is not a race and black is not a race. They are legislated and invented classes in the U.S.
White in the U.S has been legislated as a legal status. Racism was first officially codified into law in the 15th century in Europe by Spaniards. It had a highly ethno religious precedent which then evolved into a mythology about blood purity. This then was applied to support the mythic invention of race.
Race did/ does not exist it was an invention to justify the mistreatment of human beings. It is a political concept. It was used against the Jewish people in Elizabethan England, again with an ethnic religious component. Then again in WWII where a “master” race expounding upon the already existing theory of a “white” race was invented and attempts to legislate people as human and subhuman were again revived. This is racism. “Racism”requires different “races” to function. Just as a “caste” system requires different “castes” to function. No pauper is intrinsically less than the king but classes must be invented for the purpose of enacting classism. Just as no human is a different race from another. According to anthropologists we aren’t even different species we are 99% genetically similar. There is more genetic variation within racial groups than between racial groups. This means that for example there may be more genetic variation between an Irish man and an German man than there is between a Swedish man and an African man. This is science, race is a fantasy.
To engage in discussions while using race and theories of race such as Caucasian, Asian, African and Indian (debunked mythological classifications from the 1800s) is hard to take seriously. I try to educate people about these topics and nobody seems interested. Because classism based on race is much more interesting to people. If they studied the history and looked up the real truth behind the lie of race their lives would be boring I suppose.
For me it’s simple. If I meet and converse with a so called “white person” or a so called “black”person who understands current anthropology. Then I know I’m dealing with someone who is not racist. It’s very simple. When I converse with a “white person” who laughs at the theory of them being a different race from me. I know I’m dealing with someone who is not racist. There are plenty of white people who don’t even entertain ideas of separate races. You will find a suspicious lack of any references to anything resembling race when speaking about different topics with them.
That’s how I know I’m dealing with a non racist “white classed” person. Very rarely do I find “black classed”people who staunchly hold onto the idea of race by presenting me with different racial theories. I’ve never conversed with an African American who pointed to a skull study from a famous African to prove to me that Africans are not the same race as Europeans.
However, I have spoken with many African Americans who staunchly identify as being “black” which I then have to relay the fact that “black” really is just a caste not a race, species or ethnicity.
The flip side of that I have heard a fair amount of European Americans say that they are a “white person.” Some say it as an immovable part of their identity. But for those of us who have studied the history of race in the U.S we know white does move and very often. From Anglo Saxon all the way to expand to include some Italians who have hair curlier than Meghan Markle. Whiteness as a class has always mostly expanded to include any ethnic group that attempts to assimilate and emulate the ruling class.
For the past 1,000 years the ruling class has been a mix of Anglo-Norman. Some current discussions on race have identified only one aspect of it but in fact systemic racism is no different than any other system employed by the ruling class. Imperialism is systemic. Religious indoctrination up to very recently, systemic. Classism of course is systemic. Racism is no different than any other ism. Nationalism, imperialism, classism and racism all are systemic means to an end. Racism is really just the most recent successful tool. While the others have existed and have worked well for a long time the ruling classes realized that every ism we’ve had consciousness of has brought them closer to a figurative guillotine. The isms are systemic degrees of separation. Once we figure out we are the same race what’s next ?! Will the ruled figure out that we are all the same class as well ! No this cannot happen! What if the peasants figure out that we are all the same nations with invented lines of division! So arbitrary lines of separation must be invented and maintained.
In the past, I have posted things using the class titles of white and black because it’s very annoying to try to explain things without useful titles. It’s fine if someone says they identify with a black caste or a white caste by using the legal names for them. But can I have a real and meaningful discussion with a person who still believes in mythologies of different races and uses that mythology to construct their identity?
Ethnicity is very real but many racists by default try to tie ethnicity and melanin production levels together. Even if they are fully aware how many adoptions take place every year in Western countries. How widespread immigration is ? Is it really intelligent or logical to assume you can guess someone’s ethnicity just by looking at them when you are in a modern Western city? Is it really without connotation when you ask a brown skinned person where they are from then proceed to ask where their parents are from as well ? When it is likely they have lived down the street from you since they were born? Just based on simple reasonable calculations involving migration patterns?
I do not think all recently white classed people believe in race but I do think many white classed people share an invented belief about their origins. In fact, many white classed Europeans seem to think that because a famous person in the past had blonde hair or blue eyes just like them that they share some similarity with that person. This is unscientific and it is mythology.
So while it is not racism I do believe that most white classed people think of themselves as a separate race based on a lack of research about how melanin distributes throughout the body. These are racial theories of classification imposed on other people classified as “not white” by the caste system. They are also racial theories imposed on “white” people by the caste system.
Theses racial theories were inherited from the ancestors of (usually) current people classed as white but not always. So when a person chooses to put on the title of a white classed person they are often out of ignorance choosing to continue the foundations of racism. I’m not sure what this means for me or anyone. But I do know what racism is and how it functions. If only everyone could see that “race” the operative animating concept of “racism” is just an invented system for maintaining class hierarchies within societies.