The only way to dismantle it is through education to counter the propaganda. There’s really no need for any level of violence or even protesting. The only point of protesting is for media coverage which spurs conversation that can lead to education.
There is no need for anyone to die. No need for bravery in the face of violence. It is simply a matter of education. Education influences belief systems and belief systems influence actions. So when you see articles written by people with high melanin production. You are simply partaking in education spurred by the national conversation brought on by BLM protests.
Once people with less melanin production are educated to the point where they realize that Black Lives Matter (according to anthropology) encompasses them as well. The mind control of the white supremacist patriarchy will gradually lose its power.
Dismantling is a mind based procedure not a physical shift of power. Power to the people is just another way of saying the people united in their own mental liberation.
Once the mental occurs the physical must always follow.