There always has to be one delusional racist in every comment section . Congrats it’s you today. Egypt gave Greece the foundations of philosophical thought in Western society. That’s why white history starts with Aristotle after he visited Africa and not before. Take any political philosophy course and they all start with Aristotle. Some white people have done great things but they are delusional if they think the modern society we have now is something to be proud of. Pedophilia runs rampant just like it did in Ancient Greece (pederasty) which white people love to claim as a white civilization. It’s just the same old broken record of white men touching on children. People still don’t have access to water. The dumbest thing white people ever did was invest in the internet. It’s just a huge web of facts and opposition to the delusions of white supremacy. I can literally just go Google how white people have lied and get millions of articles outlining the lie. It’s like you guys invented yourselves out of your delusional place of superiority which is hilarious and I’m enjoying it.