El mae M
11 min readApr 3, 2022


This caste system needs to be identified by name. The caste system Americans and the British live under is known as the Anglo Saxon caste system.

Why is it important to identify it under the correct heading? Because if you just say the “American caste system” you can only go so far back to study the entire history of it.

I will try to keep this brief which I struggle with.

When you call it by its name not only does this make sense.

But this also makes sense.

What you are dealing with is a caste system partially formed under the original ideas of the Romans in antiquity. Which funnily enough the Anglo Saxons now inhabit those same geographic regions where this specific type of imperialistic expansion was born.

One of the most well known strategies of the Roman Empire was indeed expansion. We like to think of this concept as a physical annexation but in actuality it naturally included cultures. The ancient Romans absorbed more often than enslaved those they conquered. Though slaves still existed they had a higher chance of upward mobility than our current Westernized culture under the Anglo Saxons.

Now if we can fast forward we will get to Outlander,hehe. Which is one of my favorite shows but mainly because it helped me understand how the Anglo Saxon caste system was formed to oppress the Irish and Scottish in the same way it eventually oppressed African Americans.

There is a scene I will never forget. The British men are mocking the Scottish man’s style of dress, in this case a kilt. The English men talk about civility while inflicting brutal violence on the Scottish men in their custody. They also mock the Scottish men’s speech patterns.

Does this sound familiar to you?

“Pull your pants up”

“Don’t dress like that”

“ Speak properly”

“This population is violent we are civilized.”

This is going to get intricate so anyone reading this read every word.

Yes, the Irish and Scottish were slaves. They were also whipped they called it “flogging”.

Here is the difference and it needs to be made very clear. When the Irish and Scottish came to new territory in America they were no longer oppressed in exactly the same way as African chattel slaves now were. In essence, they shimmied their way up the caste system by this point in history and now it was their turn.

So you see this is a system of masters , overseers and slaves. The masters teach the overseers. Which back home in Europe would have been the English Lords teaching the Scottish and the Irish how to use violence( as their overseers) to maintain the social order and Anglo Saxon caste system. Which then was replicated in America as master, overseer and slave.

So in this discussion we need to keep our timelines and geographic locations straight. If you are an Irish or Scottish person still living in Europe then yes, your history was littered with awful brutalities. You were oppressed and your ancestors were in fact a victim of the invented concepts of race and racism under the Anglo Saxon caste system.

However the Irish and Scottish who called America their home many were included into the Anglo Saxon caste system of whiteness very early on. The Founding Fathers of the United States count many a Scottish name among their ranks along with the Anglo Saxon founding fathers. So if you are an Irish or Scottish descended American trying to play the victim Olympics in the United States play it intelligently. Get your timeline straight as well as the geographic region in which this oppression took place. Also if you are going to play it intelligently educate yourself on the Anglo Saxon caste system.

Particularly all Scottish and Irish people should be fully cognizant of how the expansion technique works. The author of this article marginally touched on it when she explained it is a system that requires one to accept a caste system.

I am going to say this more specifically.

The Anglo Saxon caste system requires that the formerly oppressed join the ranks of the oppressors by expansion.

What I mean by this is that whiteness as a construct is in fact about gaining a particular status within a caste but also requires henchmen.

These henchmen are deployed as status quo upholders. Their job is to in fact prove to the existing caste system of Anglo Saxon whiteness that they are in fact “white enough.”

This requires the willingness to commit violence against your fellow human being for the promise of economic stability and occasionally economic power.

This is why law enforcement is generally occupied by white men at the middle of the Anglo Saxon caste system and often on the lowest end. This is a chance to move up. Their job is to enforce the caste system. This is why they say things like. “People like you shouldn’t own cars like that you look suspicious.” They are status quo enforcers and the status quo is : The Anglo Saxon caste system of whiteness maintained by violence.

In the 1920s, the Irish, Italians and Greeks were finally given white status in the US. It is no surprise to me that Italians (not the ones descended from Lombards) who are on average darker than most Anglo Saxon whites as well as often with curlier hair. Seem to project a need to show how racist they can be see modern example :Joe Rogan.

It is also not a surprise that the Irish and Scottish with on average the curliest hair as opposed to Anglo Saxon whites. Also seem to need to prove how racist they can be in service of Anglo Saxon whiteness. In fact, our most well known symbol of proving their whiteness through violence is the Ku Klux Klan. Spelled with a K instead of a C. But it has its origin in Scottish and Irish clans.

It is also incredibly telling that often the “old money” billionaires that run the United States all have on average German and Anglo Saxon surnames such as Newhouse, Vanderbilt, Astor etc..If you were to grab an enrollment list from any of the 40k + a year boarding schools that matriculate into the Ivy League. High amounts of German and Anglo Saxon surnames abound with a few Irish and Scottish littered throughout.

The fact that we live in an Anglo Saxon caste system with blonde hair and blue eyed white people at the top. Isn’t a big secret. But what is often not discussed is the petition for whiteness and the resulting decision for whiteness to expand. At one point whiteness expanded from Anglo Saxon and Norman to Scottish then Irish and eventually Italian, Greek, Jewish. The Swedish and Norwegians that immigrated to the US would have been difficult to identify on sight as different from the Anglo Germans. They gained white status instantly.

What many people aren’t aware of is that Asian Americans as well as Latinx Americans have already petitioned the U.S. court system for whiteness status in the US.

TAKAO OZAWA v. UNITED STATES.Argued Oct. 3 and 4, 1922.

The appellant is a person of the Japanese race born in Japan. He applied, on October 16, 1914, to the United States District Court for the Territory of Hawaii …


1946: Mendez v. Westminster

James Kent, the superintendent of one of the defending districts, stated that “people of Mexican descent were intellectually, culturally, and morally inferior to European Americans.”

Hernandez v. Texas Jan 11,1954

Pete Hernandez, an agricultural worker, was indicted for the murder of Joe Espinoza by an all-Anglo (white) grand jury in Jackson County, Texas.


These are more current examples of attempting to expand whiteness to include current non whites as well as the legislation of race as a construct of the U.S. court system. You know the system that is supposed to legislate justice but instead legislates made up concepts called whiteness and non whiteness.

It appears Asian Americans are starting and well into the final stages of white Anglo Saxon assimilation.

Where as the Latin X community though attempting to display signs of dedication such as henchmen like George Zimmerman. As a majority refuse to fully assimilate.

For instance preferring to still speak their own language in public as well as a sizable chunk of them identifying with African Americans on issues of justice. Yet, CNN did report

that a large majority of them do check white on the US census even if they are “non white Hispanics.”(According to the US census’s antiquated 1900s level census categorization and reporting.)

It appears for Asian Americans a slightly different rule has been applied in that the Anglo Saxon caste system of whiteness appears to semi allow for Asian Americans to keep their culture mostly intact as long as they are also able to assimilate successfully. Similar to what they allowed for with the Irish and Scottish on American soil. In the early 1900s the code word for Anglo Saxon assimilation was known as the process of naturalization.

In fact the term is still used but most people without this history tied to the specific term Anglo Saxon caste system are unaware of what naturalization entails. This naturalization has positive benefits such as economic stability, economic power as well as a high social standing. It also however includes unspoken rules the most glaringly obvious one is the acceptance of a status quo of violence to maintain the caste system. This requires men within the caste to sometimes carry out violence in protection of Anglo Saxon whiteness.

But make no mistake Anglo Saxon whiteness is an idea, a concept not a biological reality. One concocted from violence, imperialistic expansion, Hellenism, eugenics, iconoclasm, myth and fairytale, epics, pseudoscience, nationalism, gentility and gentrification, divine right of kings, subjugation, feudalism, slavery and finally capitalism.

These are all ideas and concepts that eventually came to be known to us today as whiteness. The symbol that was constructed out of this mosaic of ideas emerge noticeably as Hellenism and paintings like The Birth of Venus. Which is literally a very pale white woman emerging as a divine goddess on an open clam.

These same propagandized images of the concept of whiteness now have their oh so classy dwellings on the cover of Playboy which features dyed blonde Anglo Saxon whiteness as the goal. Strutting across red carpets with again the same familiar dyed white blonde iconography of Anglo Saxon whiteness.

Marilyn Monroe always gets me when I see her natural hair and eye color because she kind of looks biracial like Halsey or Sofia Richie.

I focus on the dying of hair as a reminder that even most white women are not white enough for Anglo Saxon whiteness they must alter their hair color.

I have noticed many Latin X women as well as Asian American and a few African American women deciding to join the caste system by stating with dying their hair blonde. They signal they are ready to climb the ladder caste system of Anglo Saxon whiteness.

I know that many Western men and women will look at the photos and think that the movie stars look better with bleached blonde Anglo Saxon looking hair. This is a result of programming and brainwashing. Once you see it you can’t unsee it and this is what I see.

But yeah it’s just an organic preference …..yep. Nothing weird at all happening here…

Hellenism was also many things but classical and eugenicist it was at its very beginning foundations. Underpinnings of stolen African wisdom from Egypt and transformed into Greek philosophy through Aristotle. We won’t even touch on Anglo Saxon Protestantism vs. Roman Catholicism and what Anglican is. Long story short they have joined together to form a United front against Judaism. See: American Evangelicals trying to convert Jewish people by misinterpreting and using their own …scriptures against them ? Huh?

In conclusion, because my finger is tired and I’m hungry.

American white people need to educate themselves. Stop writing ignorant comments or stop enforcing what you were brainwashed to mimic within the caste system. If you are now considered to be a white person in the US, grow a backbone. Yes, okay fine in the Middle Ages food was dependent on seasons. There was barely enough shelter or subsistence to go around and you had to depend on your Anglo Saxon Lords to keep you from death and starvation. It’s literally 20 f-ing 22. What do you think would happen if you actually said….violence is enough. “I want to preserve who I am as a human.” not a monolith of whiteness as me vs scary people who don’t sunburn? At this point it’s just childish on top of immoral. Oh let’s just slant all the media in our favor, all the jobs and resources.

For what ? So you can turn on your tv in your comfortable living room and watch violence carried out by this made up concept called a state?

So the status quo of violence causes people to lose their f-ing minds and open fire in a school or grocery store?

If nothing else just realize your ancestors fought against the Anglo Saxons caste system overlords and had their accents, names and way of life mocked. Just so you, their descendants could then join them in doing the exact same thing to other ethnicities who haven’t gained white status yet? What a piss poor existence and how did one surround oneself with such a straw house.

Also, I’m not coming for Anglo Saxon people. I’m coming for the caste system built on racism and violence. If that isn’t you than why are you so offended ?



El mae M
El mae M

Written by El mae M

Human Rights.Social Theory. Hermeticism. Ancient History. Literature. Biracial -Transracial- Adoptee

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