This has become a huge problem. My only issue with your article is that you are being too nice to us. I’ve noticed people are handling us with a level of politeness surrounding our clear white supremacy that would not be afforded to other groups. I suspect it’s because we are always such a mess online talking about our biracial experiences. People see how unhinged our lives and takes are so they just sort of try not to upset us further. I appreciate people with empathy but the “biracial community” has gotten completely out of control with defending white supremacy.
I joined a Reddit group with mixed and biracial perspectives. It’s literally just the same song on repeat. “Black people don’t accept me.” “How do I handle my white so and so” But if we are being honest here it’s more of the first one.
I’ve tried to get them to understand whiteness and how it operates. I’ve tried to get them to acknowledge their antiblackness when they focus only on how black people have not “accepted them” I figured out a long time ago that if black people don’t accept me it’s because I was acting crazy. Mimicking the methods of oppression that were taught to me by whiteness.
I use to think it was just because a lot of them are young and didn’t fully understand, but what a silly assumption. Of course it isn’t that. Just like white people cannot be educated out of racism. Biracial people are not anti black because they simply don’t have enough info. They push white narratives because it feels good.
The truth is the caste system feels good. I wish people would just be open and honest. It feels 10xs better for all the white liberal allies, biracial, Latino and Asians to either deny oppression or talk about it with revolutionary fire but never feeling the heat of one single flame.
The truth is that the Western World is sacrificing every single black body it can to maintain its own privileges. That is the cold honest truth. It’s so simple. It’s been this way since there were kings and serfs. Other people must work so a few don’t have to. Other people must suffer so a few don’t have to.
It is completely immoral so they invented a religion that tells them they will go to heaven.