This is an odd argument they are trying to make because the amount of Viking ancestry in the UK is very high I thought? What about the French? From what I understand a lot of French people have high amounts of Viking ancestry.
I’m also pretty sure we are just talking about the descendants of Norse culture. I don’t even see how they can make a case for differentiating themselves from the Vikings in the first place. Scandinavian and German tribes while not the exact same thing in the past shared a connecting element known as Norse culture.
It is they who always brag of this unifying European culture and it’s almost always based on the greatness of the conquering Germanic and Scandinavian tribes.
So which is it? Are they all white and European from a great European culture or are they all split off into actual ethnicities? I have always advocated for this online. From my perspective. Italians are not Germans. Scandinavians are not Anglo Saxons. The Irish are not Greeks? It seems very obvious to me but yet they all seem to want to be lumped together into a culture known as “European.” If any of these actual differing ethnicities would grow a backbone and stand up and say. “No I don’t want to trade my dignity and culture for a title called whiteness or European.” Then people could actually focus on the Anglo- Saxons and Normans. The actual people pulling the strings in the Western World.
What is really happening is they want their cake and they want to eat it too. How long is it that the currently (it can always change) non-white people of the world have swallowed the lie that any great achievement in the world gets reclassified by them as a culture known as European.
Oh the Anglo Saxons invaded the Roman Empire and were unable to maintain Rome’s advancements like hydraulics..Well 2,000 years later all the sudden the people they conquered are now reclassified as a European culture.
I do believe the Scottish and the Irish (In Europe)have a case for reparations against the English. But of course they’ve cleverly quelled this possibility by giving them white status. That’s the trade off. They conquer your culture and if you assimilate into it you get class of “white status” as long as you shut up about your former oppressors.