This is poignant. It is nice every once in awhile to see people actually trying and self reflecting on how they individually have internalized white supremacy.
You know reading your comment a light just went on that had not been lit in my mind before.
They don’t need to be teaching critical race theory. They don’t need to hold lectures on racism.
They need to hold them on white supremacy.
Because white supremacy is the system not racism? Racism is a byproduct. So when people say we have a racist system it’s true but it’s not identifying the source ? Racism is one of the moving parts of white supremacy. But white supremacy is a byproduct of imperialism. The Romans started this.
Sorry I went off on a tangent. I have this problem I relate everything in my mind back to the Romans. It’s always their fault.
All roads …….
But basically this would take some of the flames off the fires of self awareness. If we sit down a room full of all skin colors and tell them they have all absorbed white supremacy it doesn’t make it so polarizing. You aren’t singling out one group as acting out a set of behaviors which is racism.
Which is racism………
This is what they mean when they say reverse racism.
I love figuring out someone else’s point of view counter to my own.
Because if we frame discussions about racism using …well racism. It is confusing without the wider context of white supremacy. They want to go off on sociological terms like white privilege which is also incredibly polarizing.
Why not just start with “White supremacy” and elaborate out from there?
What are the systems of White supremacy?
White supremacy is a type of Imperialism its working systems include:
Propaganda(Psychological Warfare)
Assimilation (Socialization)
Economic control (Capitalism)
Racism (Class invention)
Media control (Narrative control)
Iconoclasm( Religious control)
Violence( Methods of maintaining compliance)
My head hurts. It’s like I just found out I’m not just in a maze. I’m in a maze inside of a maze inside of a hotel. It feels like Kubrick’s The Shining and I’m done .
I knew what Imperialism was but I had never made the jump to classifying white supremacy as a type of imperialism!
My formula up to this moment had been.
Hellenism+Imperialism+Iconoclasm=White Supremacy
Because I was viewing them as systems combined I misidentified it. They do combine all those things but it only falls under one heading concretely. White supremacy is a type of Imperialism.
You are informing all people in the room of all colors that they live under a system of white supremacy. Thereby removing all the heat off one group to answer for racism since we have all absorbed its source as white supremacy. I need to reassess how I discuss this subject online. Thank you for spurring my realization.