This is such an important issue. I began to discover over the last few years when researching marketing how scary our societies really are.
At this present moment very few Americans know what they like or dislike at all. It has all been controlled by marketing executives for the last 50 years.
When I realized that my love for lightsabers was planted from the beginning as a way to sell products. I felt betrayed by George Lucas and America as a whole. To be fair I was really young and idealistic. This is exactly the programming I’ve had to undo . I’ve made a direct effort to unlearn narratives as well as field new and emerging ones. This is the ultimate problem.
Most people don’t know that Lucas made Star Wars specifically for the purpose of selling merchandise. When you research this fact everything you think you know about America unravels. I’m not even a huge Star Wars fan. I’m just pointing out that if Americans want to understand racism, sexism, classism researching them on an academic level is of course important. But the real knowledge to pull yourself out of it is actually found in researching marketing. Once you hear and see it you can never go back. Every show you watch you will start to hear the voice of a white marketing executive talking to you from behind a desk ! Its very creepy and very scary. I don’t get to enjoy many tv shows or movies anymore.