This is utter madness why do we allow this as a society. Money is only backed by the already wealthy in most countries. The powerful who set the rules of money. There aren’t that many of them. Yet we give our entire lives to made up rules about pieces of paper?
Most non wealthy people would gladly take their freedom over the small amount they have accumulated. Tell 10 million working class people that they only have to give up to 5–10,000 they’ve saved to put an end to money poverty and lack. Because they too suffer from poverty and lack. Most of them would do it if it was guaranteed that the society would change.
You know who is less likely to say yes. The people who have 1 billion and have it in such large amounts. Money is power and an ego trip. If they can’t have nicer things than everyone else what’s the point? The point is that feeling you want to have more power or respect than other people is not a valid excuse for their moral failing as human beings.
We are exchanging our only purpose in life to subject ourselves to a game of money. We were put on this earth to live not slave away for money. This has got to stop!