This realization is always made worse by the fact that it doesn’t even have to be this way. The people in power have set up the rules and are forcing everyone to play by them. Money, real estate, education and even marriage have all become a business transaction rather than a life to be lived. But altruism toward your fellow man unthinkable! Dividing the resources and the incredibly advanced technology to provide a sustainable life for everyone? That’s communism! I want to make it clear there is a huge difference between actually trying to get the state to intervene more and living in a society where people just do the right thing without a state. We are naturally good. The religion of the West which is a another tool of state imperialistic propaganda makes sure that every human believes we are fundamentally “sinners” or bad. As long as they have your senses tied to an illogical spiritual concept they have your mind in an untrusting state. Where you believe that without a state your neighbor will hurt you in some way. Without a state people won’t work together for the common good. Without a state society will collapse. All of these are fabricated belief systems planted by ….you guessed it the state. Now please go on an talk about how dangerous the thugs on the other side of town are while you watch the government’s civilian body count rise past 1 million in just a few years.