Well yes, it’s not necessarily a racist assumption but it becomes racist when they go all over the internet on a tirade against a character’s skin color.
It’s like I alway say about my main bookworm Hermione. Changing Hermione’s skin color does not actually change anything about Hermione. What is racist is white people assuming that changing someone’s skin tone fundamentally changes who they are inside.
It’s interesting to see real racism actually rear its head …..in a make believe genre of all things. (sort of makes sense since race is a myth so maybe they are getting their myths all confused now.)
Basically if it’s not racism then it is a very poor testament to white people’s depth or imagination.
You can imagine dragons but not a skin color change? It’s okay for Harry to have blue eyes in the movie instead of green like they are in the books but Hermione’s color change is unacceptable?
For the record I pictured Hermione as white when I read the books. But that didn’t stop my identification with her 100%.
Bushy unruly biracial hair. Insufferable know it all nerd and large front teeth. That was me. So if I was able to relate so strongly to a white character. Why when the situation is reversed do I have to listen to a barrage of Draco Malfoys bemoaning Hermione’s “mudblood status” as a black person?
I am glad of one thing though . I now know who the Death Eaters in our midst are.