El mae M
4 min readApr 12, 2021


What are they apologizing for? I don’t condone violence of any kind but the immoral oligarchs have to go.The people in those rooms sat by as children were put in cages. Those people killed thousands of people in the Middle East. They instituted policies leaving the majority of Americans below the poverty line. Both parties have been doing this for 300 years. Small table scraps of altruism when they created the conditions in the first place?

Hey guess what women you can vote now ! But only after you force our hands. You should have always had that right you say? But then we wouldn’t have that magical word called progress now would we?

None of what has happened in the US on either side of the fence has been progress it is called reinstatement of natural born human rights. When you realize you are not fighting for your rights but rather reinstating them. The government looks more and more like a barrier to your natural born rights not an arbiter of them.

You don’t need anyone to tell you how fast to drive your car. You know better, you’re a reasoning thinking human being. No one needs to tell you not to steal others property or goods you know better. However, if you live in a society where some people rig the system so that they can steal in a more sophisticated way. Then you have people who feel the unfairness and unjustness of the system and act out accordingly. The immorality of the oligarchs and their game called society and government poisons the natural human being.

Corporations exacerbate this unfairness causing more and more people to act out immorally since after all the 1% is doing it with no consequences. Corporate salaries are decided by the people with pre-existing capital to snowball it into more capital? Even if it’s not their own hard earned capital? Dad or grandma gave it to them at no interest? Why do some children go here :

and others go to schools with 20 year old outdated textbooks? Why do we allow this? Are we really saying some children are better than others just because their parents have more numbers to move around on a screen. Is it madness? Is it because of our belief in bureaucracy ?

Don’t worry the oligarchs will sort out all these education problems in due time.

Time is due. They’ve already harmed millions of children for the past 30 years and that’s just the white ones. We don’t even get to put African American education in the same conversation since the large majority of them grew up in crumbling unsafe structures with low expectations.

This is what the immoral oligarchs have allowed. If you believe in Jesus then your government does not know him. If you don’t believe in religion but simply progress and human rights your government has never heard of them.

It’s time to stop believing in a failed system.

The Capitol should apologize to the rioters. Apologize for creating a society that made them feel they needed to resort to violence. Apologize for working with media corporations to confuse and terrify the American public. Apologize for setting a precedence of chaos and irresponsibility. A nation is only as strong as its leaders thus all nations are weak morally and strong militarily. If a person who sought power over others diagnosed himself as moral and worthy, he is lying to himself. No man seeks power over others for any other reason besides vanity of the self. They are not serving the people,they are serving themselves. There is no reality in which that is not the case. How can you serve others when they are fully capable of doing it themselves. It’s a system of control.

Imagine if you simply believed a fundamental lie that the people in government really were there to serve you. What decisions would you make ? Would you make excuses for bureaucrats based on some belief in human goodness that clearly did not exist ? Do we think the best of us get elected or is it more likely the most well connected people with the most money get elected ? If you are aware that this is the case then why make excuses at all? Why continue to default to, “It’s a hard job they are doing the best they can.” Why not start stating the truth, “Obviously,the system is immoral and unjust.”

There are other more practical people who simply say the truth in a more diplomatic way,“The government is there to maintain order.” This is a nice way of saying, “The government is there to control you.” Now these people are closer to the truth but then we have another problem. The psyche of the person saying this clearly thinks that you and I need to be controlled. This person clearly thinks that rather than taking the responsibility upon themselves to control their own behavior that someone outside of themselves must do it for them. But that’s not quite right is it. Because usually the person saying this thinks they control themselves very well. What they really mean is that other people need to be controlled. But does the moral pious person give any thought to who those others might be? Of course not the government tells them who needs to be controlled. At one point it was people with black skin. At another juncture it was women who wanted rights. It was the Japanese at another instance. The list goes on and on how this moral agent of control got it horribly wrong and the dutiful citizen believed them.

Stop using individual victims of the United States government as examples to frame discussions on morality. Start placing the United States government as a whole on trial.



El mae M
El mae M

Written by El mae M

Human Rights.Social Theory. Hermeticism. Ancient History. Literature. Biracial -Transracial- Adoptee

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