White privilege and racism will never be eradicated until governments start releasing the truth about the myth of race. As people in the US still think of themselves as separate races there is no possibility from a psychological perspective that they would ever fully integrate. It makes no sense. We are still only addressing symptoms with white privilege and racism. Race is the myth that animates racism. Many other European countries are aware of this fact. I’ve talked to many Scandinavians who say, “We don’t really believe in several races anymore.” Unfortunately the US government has purposely miseducated its citizens through techniques like the US census as well as media to push a narrative of race theory. In 1950 the UN put out a statement dismantling the myth of race. A book was written in 1952 also dismantling race theory. Why don’t you know about it? I don’t ask that in a hostile way. I ask it in a “wake up” sort of way. It’s 2021 and governments have known about the myth of race since 1950? Why don’t most American white people know about this statement? In 1998 The American Anthropological Association released another statement denying the myth of race. I know many people are invested in arguing with each other and thus perpetuating the myth of race makes that easier. Yes, racism exists but only because we let an irrational delusion of race animate it. I know my fellow Americans will be ready to wake up from their unconscious sleep. When they all start addressing the myth of race. Even now many Americans with white skin are just framing themselves inside of a false dichotomy called “white” and “black”. They speak on topics that many African Americans who also believe in race have framed for them to speak on. You are in a little square room. You are standing in front of a wall with three doors leading to different paths. You could choose any of the three doors to get out of the room and continue on.
Look up a hand is reaching down to pull you out of the room.